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Mullivaykkal- may18

On  18  May  2009,  the  war  in  Sri Lanka came to a bloody, murderous end on the beaches of Mullivaikkal, after months of brutal violence meted out by the Sri Lankan armed forces. 

May 18 marks a moment of immeasurable importance: the commemoration of Mullivaikal. It is a time when we remember the lives lost, the suffering endured, and the hopes shattered during the Tamil genocide. To honor the memory of the victims and express our solidarity, we encourage you to change your profile picture. Let's raise our voice together for justice, truth, and reconciliation. Join us by changing your profile picture to show your support and commitment to this cause. Together, let's show the world that we do not forget, that we care, and that we demand justice.

Badminton women 35+:
1st: Nalini
2nd: PSuvarna Logatharsan

Badminton boys 16-20:
1st: Sriman Srinathan
2nd: Banujan Kathirgamalingam

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TYO Sports Event


1st: St. Patrick's College
2nd: FC Gabos
3rd: TFC Breda

Volleyball 5vs5:
1st: Swiss Solothurn
2nd: NRW Germany
3rd: Tamil Comite A

Kilithattu Men:
1st: Nurnberg
2nd: Bochum
3rd: TKSV Dortmund

Kilithattu Women:
1st: TKSV Dortmund
2nd: Nurnberg
3rd: Bochum

Badminton girls 10-15:
1st: Tamili Maarkkandu
2nd: Maria Gunam

Badminton girls 16-20:
1st: Kuyilini Maarkkandu
2nd: Tamili Maarkkandu

Badminton men 21-35:
1st: Thupishan Ponnambalam
2nd: Parthiban Selvarasa

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Tamils, worldwide, celebrate the 27th of November as their Tamil National Heroes Day called Maaveerar Naal in Tamil. 

The 25th to 27th of November has been announced as a holiday in Tamileelam. In these days people of Tamileelam celebrate the fallen freedom fighters who sacrificed their life to free our homeland, Tamileelam.

In the beginning Eelam Tamils started to celebrate the first Tamil National heroes Day on 27th of November 1989. The 27th of November coincides with the L.T Shankar S ‘supreme sacrifice’ of his life in 1982. Since this day the Tamil National Heroes Day has been commemorated by the people of Tamileelam.


Tamil Youth Organization is an organization that strives towards the development of the Tamil nation (Tamileelam) and works for the betterment of the Tamil youth in the diaspora.

Join us

Coming thogether is a beginning..
keeping together is progress...
working together is success...

Join TYO to make a strong global Tamil community.

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